
Theory About HTML, CSS, and Javascript

1. HTML ( Hyper Text Markup Language )

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language is a standard language used by Internet browsers to create pages and documents on a Web that can then be accessed and read like an article. HTML link can also be used as a link between the files within a site or in a computer using localhost or a connecting link between sites in the internet world. HTML is a programming language Client Side and used to create a web presence, whether static or dynamic. In the creation of dynamic web, HTML should include PHP which is a script to process the data.

2. CSS ( Cascading Style Sheet )

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet is one of the web programming language for controlling several components in a web that would be more structured and uniform. Just as styles in word processing applications such as Microsoft Word that can manage several styles, such as heading, section, Body Text, footers, images, and other styles to be used together in multiple files. In general, CSS is used to format the display of web pages created with HTML and XHTML.

CSS can control the image size, body color text, color table, border size, border color, the color of hyperlinks, mouse over color, spacing between paragraphs, spacing between text, margins, etc. CSS parameter is a style sheet language that is used to set the display document. With the CSS allows us to display the same page with different formats.

3. JavaScript
JavaScript is a programming language that is most popular on the internet and work on many browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape, and Opera. JavaScript used in Web pages to improve the design, validate forms, detect browsers, create cookies, etc. Javascript is one of the high-level programming language and dynamic. JavaScript can be used to validate form data before being submitted to the server, it will secure the server from extra processing.

JavaScript is also used to detect the visitor's browser, call another page that is specifik designed for the browser, to make cookies, and to store and retrieve information on the visitor's computer.

